
    [Phoenix] Format two

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/format-two, by https://exploit.education * * Can you change the "changeme" variable? * * What kind of flower should never be put in a vase? * A cauliflower. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education" int changeme; void bounce(char *str) { printf(str); } int..

    [Phoenix] Format one

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/format-one, by https://exploit.education * * Can you change the "changeme" variable? * * Why did the Tomato blush? It saw the salad dressing! */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education" int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct { char dest[32]; volatile int c..

    [Phoenix] Format zero

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/format-zero, by https://exploit.education * * Can you change the "changeme" variable? * * 0 bottles of beer on the wall, 0 bottles of beer! You take one down, and * pass it around, 4294967295 bottles of beer on the wall! */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.educ..

    [Phoenix] Stack six

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-six, by https://exploit.education * * Can you execve("/bin/sh", ...) ? * * Why do fungi have to pay double bus fares? Because they take up too * mushroom. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education" char *what = GREET; char *greet(char *who) { char buf..

    [Phoenix] Stack five

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-five, by https://exploit.education * * Can you execve("/bin/sh", ...) ? * * What is green and goes to summer camp? A brussel scout. */ #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education" char *gets(char *); void start_level() { char buffer[128]; gets(buffer); } int main(i..

    [Phoenix] Stack four

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-four, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to execute the function complete_level by modifying the * saved return address, and pointing it to the complete_level() function. * * Why were the apple and orange all alone? Because the bananna split. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", b..

    [Phoenix] Stack three

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-three, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to change the contents of the changeme variable to 0x0d0a090a * * When does a joke become a dad joke? * When it becomes apparent. * When it's fully groan up. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.educatio..

    [phoenix] Stack Two

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-two, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to change the contents of the changeme variable to 0x0d0a090a * * If you're Russian to get to the bath room, and you are Finnish when you get * out, what are you when you are in the bath room? * * European! */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ..

    [Phoenix] Stack One

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-one, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to change the contents of the changeme variable to 0x496c5962 * * Did you hear about the kid napping at the local school? * It's okay, they woke up. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BANNER \ "Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education" int main..

    [Phoenix] Stack Zero

    1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-zero, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to change the contents of the changeme variable. * * Scientists have recently discovered a previously unknown species of * kangaroos, approximately in the middle of Western Australia. These * kangaroos are remarkable, as their insanely powerful hind legs give them * the ability to jump higher t..