Wargame/Exploit Education
[Phoenix] Stack Zero
1. intro 2. code 및 분석 2.1. C code /* * phoenix/stack-zero, by https://exploit.education * * The aim is to change the contents of the changeme variable. * * Scientists have recently discovered a previously unknown species of * kangaroos, approximately in the middle of Western Australia. These * kangaroos are remarkable, as their insanely powerful hind legs give them * the ability to jump higher t..
Phoenix 환경 설정 및 참고사항.
* QEMU 보통 vmware로 제공되는데, phoenix의 경우 QEMU로 실행되기 때문에 처음 접하면 초기 셋업이 다소 생소하다. 1. linux 우선 터미널에서 qemu 설치한다. sudo apt update sudo apt install qemu sudo apt install qemu-system 아래 site에서 이미지를 다운 받고 Downloads :: Andrew Griffiths' Exploit Education Downloads :: Andrew Griffiths' Exploit Education Downloads Phoenix v1.0.0-alpha-3, 16th January 2019 For information about what’s changed, please see the Pho..