1. intro
2. code 및 분석
2.1. C code
* phoenix/net-two, by https://exploit.education
* Shout out to anyone who doesn't know what the opposite of in is.
#include <err.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/random.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BANNER \
"Welcome to " LEVELNAME ", brought to you by https://exploit.education"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
unsigned long quad[sizeof(long)], result, wanted;
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
printf("%s\nFor this level, sizeof(long) == %d, keep that in mind :)\n",
BANNER, (int)sizeof(long));
if (getrandom((void *)&quad, sizeof(quad), 0) != sizeof(quad)) {
errx(1, "unable to getrandom(%d bytes)", sizeof(quad));
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(long); i++) {
result += quad[i];
if (write(1, (void *)&quad[i], sizeof(long)) != sizeof(long)) {
errx(1, "Why have you foresaken me, write()");
if (read(0, (void *)&wanted, sizeof(long)) != sizeof(long)) {
errx(1, "Unable to read\n");
if (result == wanted) {
printf("You have successfully passed this level, well done!\n");
} else {
printf("Whoops, better luck next time. Receieved %lu, wanted %lu\n", wanted,
return 0;
2.2. 분석
이번에는 luint 변수인 quad를 선언하고 랜덤 값을 삽입한 뒤 result 변수에 quad[i]를 더한다.
이후 wanted 변수에 입력을 받아 result와 wanted를 비교하여 같으면 성공이다.
3. 취약점 확인 및 공격 준비
3.1. 취약점
특별히 취약점은 없다.
3.2. 공격 준비
아오... 코드만으로 대충 해보려했는데 자꾸 형변환이 안돼서 gdb로 깠다.
안까고 싶었는데...
출력되는 문자열의 길이를 한번이라도 체크해볼걸... ㅠㅠ
문자열이 총 8 bytes 인줄 알고 각 자리의 hex 값을 더해보려했는데 자꾸 실패했다.
알고보니 64 bytes였음...
8 bytes 씩 8개 가져와서 계속 더하는데 더한 값이 8 bytes를 초과하면 버린다.
4. exploit
위를 기준으로 코딩하면 아래와 같다.
from pwn import *
p = remote('localhost',64002)
quad = 0
j = 8
for i in range(8):
get = u64(p.recv(j))
quad = quad + get
print i+1, "st get = ", str(get), "hex = ", str(hex(get))
print "quad = ", str(quad), "hex = ", str(hex(quad))
if len(str(hex(quad)))>18:
print "lenth over = ", str(hex(quad))
quad = int("0x" + str(hex(quad))[len(str(hex(quad)))-18+2:],16)
print "change = ", str(hex(quad))
print quad
print p.recvline()
user@phoenix-amd64:~$ python /tmp/a.py
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 64002: Done
1 st get = 4268828195899499809 hex = 0x3b3deca07fc2e521
quad = 4268828195899499809 hex = 0x3b3deca07fc2e521
2 st get = 16901727429982123844 hex = 0xea8eff8c628f7744
quad = 21170555625881623653 hex = 0x125ccec2ce2525c65
lenth over = 0x125ccec2ce2525c65
change = 0x25ccec2ce2525c65
3 st get = 17328357041230072388 hex = 0xf07ab0eb5fa84a44
quad = 20052168593402144425 hex = 0x116479d1841faa6a9
lenth over = 0x116479d1841faa6a9
change = 0x16479d1841faa6a9
4 st get = 13351142668948258878 hex = 0xb948c9852038c03e
quad = 14956567188640851687 hex = 0xcf90669d623366e7
5 st get = 7834240348377592091 hex = 0x6cb8d016da14311b
quad = 22790807537018443778 hex = 0x13c4936b43c479802
lenth over = 0x13c4936b43c479802
change = 0x3c4936b43c479802
6 st get = 12178711250809464224 hex = 0xa903795b668d25a0
quad = 16522774714118356386 hex = 0xe54cb00fa2d4bda2
7 st get = 7385232095077550121 hex = 0x667d9d763ae94829
quad = 23908006809195906507 hex = 0x14bca4d85ddbe05cb
lenth over = 0x14bca4d85ddbe05cb
change = 0x4bca4d85ddbe05cb
8 st get = 16438244633152429172 hex = 0xe42060667a059c74
quad = 21899507368638784063 hex = 0x12feaadec57c3a23f
lenth over = 0x12feaadec57c3a23f
change = 0x2feaadec57c3a23f
You have successfully passed this level, well done!
[*] Closed connection to localhost port 64002
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